Welcome to the Joint Meeting of Anatomische Gesellschaft and the Anatomical Society in Berlin!
Dear Participants, dear colleagues,
We are looking forward to welcome you to the Joint Meeting of the Anatomische Gesellschaft and the Anatomical Society from the 20 September at the Centre of Anatomy of Charité.
We are very pleased to be able to hold a face-to-face meeting after the two year gap caused by the COVID-19. Please note, however, that there are still preventative measures for COVID in place at Charité (please see our COVID Information Box below).
In anticipation of many exciting presentations, stimulating discussions, we wish you all a very successful meeting and a pleasant stay in Berlin!
The Organizers
COVID Information
There are still preventative measures for COVID-19 in place at Charité, which we would like to draw your attention to:
- a daily rapid antigen test is required from every visitor;
Tests can be made in test centers in the immediate vicinity of the conference building or your hotel. You can find an overview at https://www.direkttesten.berlin/. - FFP2 masks must be worn indoors;
Exception applies to speakers giving their oral presentations. - a minimum distance of 1.50 meters to other persons should be maintained wherever possible;
- Persons with symptoms of a respiratory tract infection are not allowed to visit the Charité.
For detailed information please follow: https://www.charite.de/en/clinical_center/themes_hospital/main_topic_coronavirus/